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2024-10-20 06:27:01
本文摘要:China has built a new generation of its Fuxing bullet train that is over 400 meters long, making it the longest train of its kind in the world, reports Beijing Youth Daily.据《北京青年报》报导,我国已竣工长度多达400米的新一代复兴号列车,这是全球最久的高速列车。China has built a new generation of its Fuxing bullet train that is over 400 meters long, making it the longest train of its kind in the world, reports Beijing Youth Daily.据《北京青年报》报导,我国已竣工长度多达400米的新一代复兴号列车,这是全球最久的高速列车。The new train has 16 carriages compared to the usual eight, and can carry 1,193 passengers.与此前动车组使用的8辆编组有所不同,新版列车编组16个车厢,总定员1193人。
The additional capacity is expected to allow the train to meet the needs of peak travel times, such as the annual Spring Festival travel rush.减少的运力未来将会使该列车符合春运等高峰上下班时期的拒绝。The train, known by the technical designation CR400BF-A, can run at 350 kilometers per hour.这一代技术型号为CR400BF的列车,时速平均350公里。
It will reportedly enter into service July 1 on the line between Beijing and Shanghai.据报导,该列车将于7月1日起在京沪高铁上开始运行。Wi-Fi access on the new train has been upgraded to provide passengers with better Internet access. And USB ports have been added into the back of the trains seats.新版列车上的Wi-Fi终端早已升级,可以为乘客获取更佳的互联网终端服务。此外,USB模块也早已被加到到列车座位的后面。